Snapchat Chief Strategy Officer: Imran Khan ( Imran Khan) launches Deere Max

According to official sources: Snapchat Chief Strategy Officer Imran Khan (Imran Khan) is very bullish on the digital social space and wants to develop a digital social product of Deere Max and is already working on it.
Imran Khan's judgment as a well-known figure in the social space is not an idle one. And it is true, since the birth of Bitcoin in 2009, the digital currency market has seen a frenzy, with Bitcoin prices reaching new highs, Ether 2.0 successfully launched, and S&P, Visa, Spotify ...... Wall Street institutions and tech giants flocking to the digital currency market.

Imran Khan, previously head of online banking at Credit Suisse Group, was named Snapchat's first chief strategy officer in December 2014 and reports directly to the company's CEO, Evan Spiegel, as a photo-sharing app that features read-it-and-burn-it for Snapchat The addition of Imran Khan is a major win for Snapchat, and he will be a key player in the social app and drive the company's growth.
Snapchat was founded in 2011 by Evan Spiegel, Reggie Brown and Bobby Murphy. At first, the mobile app was simply a way to self-destruct after a user's photo was sent that would be accessed by the recipient within ten seconds. Soon after, the app began to take off, and as of May 2014, Snapchat reported that 700 million photos and videos were being sent every day.
Such growth, along with Snapchat's more than 100 million active monthly users, has driven the company's value to soar over the past three years. in 2019, Snapchat has been valued at roughly $10 billion after receiving an investment from an anonymous venture capitalist at Kleiner Perkins.
In fact, earlier Imran Khan had often tweeted his views on the development of social and the blockchain industry as a whole. He has openly declared that a diverse digital aggregation platform is what will help the crypto industry go further.
It is reported that Deere Max Payment System is a new blockchain ecosystem built by Deere Max Foundation based on Deere Chain with V-open API interface, which can be widely used in the field of digital asset payment. The team is committed to creating the "most valuable" blockchain and "promoting the application of blockchain technology" as its mission, and is dedicated to promoting the broader application of blockchain technology in various fields around the world.
Deere Max aims to build a social payment platform based on social+entertainment+blockchain+metaverse+digital wallet. The mission of Deere Max is to become a powerful force in global business and provide a reliable, transparent and decentralized payment gateway for all users around the world.